Unlike many other charities, every dollar that is donated to ORU is available for distribution!
Since its inception in 1994, Operation Round-Up has helped 689 families who have suffered catastrophic events. To date, the program has disbursed $2,583,112.27 to help Members in need.
This Program Would Not Be Successful Without The Generosity Of Our Members!
Operation Round-Up funds are used to help families who have suffered catastrophic events, due to no fault of their own and Members usually pay less than 50¢ per month! Funds are not used to pay electric bills. Operation Round-Up is governed by a Board of Trustees from the Cooperative’s nine districts.
Joining is easy! You can sign up in the WREC mobile app or by logging into your WREC account here. Once logged into your account, select the ‘Billing & Payments’ tab, then ‘Operation Round Up’. You can also call your local WREC office and ask to be included in this worthwhile program. Join Operation Round-Up today and start making a difference in your community!
So, how does it work?
Once a Member signs up to participate in Operation Round-Up through their WREC Account online or in the WREC mobile app their monthly bill will be rounded up to the nearest dollar every month.
For example, if your bill is $137.45 it will be rounded up to $138.00. This means you would pay the $138.00 as your monthly bill with $0.55 being donated to Operation Round-Up.
Applying For Operation Round-Up
If you know of any member that may need assistance through Operation Round-Up you can email operationroundup@wrec.net for an application.
Applications are also available for downloading and printing by clicking here:
Operation Round-Up Application Form.
Requirements for Operation Round-Up Assistance:
- Be a WREC Member for over one year.
- Have a catastrophic event in the household. (loss of income due to illness or injury, house fire, natural disaster, house repairs if they are causing health hazard etc.)
- Have a long-term resolution.
- Proof of income (examples: pay checks, SSI, etc.)
Meet Theresa from Hudson
Meet Theresa, resident of Hudson. Theresa has stage 4 breast cancer, which has spread to her skull and bones. The flooring in her mobile home has become very dangerous for her as there are many soft spots, where only carpet is keeping her from falling through. She is at a very high risk for fractures and/or broken bones due to her medical conditions. Theresa cannot afford the costs to repair her mobile home floor and asked for assistance to fix the most crucial areas on the floor. WREC was able to help Theresa with these repairs due to our wonderful members who contribute each month to Operation Round-Up.
Meet Margaret from Brooksville
Meet Margaret, a widow who faced breast cancer and lost her husband in 2020. After beating cancer, she developed vascular necrosis which is leading to three surgeries. Unable to work during her recovery, her family has helped financially. Recently, her well started going dry, and she lacks the funds for a new one.
Thanks to the generosity of our Members who contribute to Operation Round-Up we were able to get her a new well.
Meet Susan and Laszlo from New Port Richey
Susan and Laszlo are from New Port Richey. They have multiple health issue and limited income. They have been Co-op members since 1982. They never needed ORU until recently when their A/C broke and they didn’t have the money to repair it. The Florida heat was taking a toll on them and further aggravated their health issues. ORU replaced their A/C system to help provide some relief for this family.
Meet Marty from Port Richey
Marty is a member from Port Richey. Unfortunately, Marty was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. In battling this disease, he went through chemo and radiation and still must go through intravenous therapy. Marty is on disability now and with limited income, there is not much left over. Marty’s roof was in desperate need of repair. ORU replaced the roof so Marty can continue his treatment and recovery at home.
Meet Barbara from Port Richey
Barbara and her daughter Patricia reached out to Operation Round-Up after Barbara, who has been suffering from multiple medical conditions and is reliant on oxygen 24/7, recently had a stroke. While in the hospital their air conditioner broke. Patricia, who sustained severe brain injuries due to a car accident is her mother's sole caregiver. Their doctor confirmed that replacing the air conditioner is vital for Barbara's health.
Thanks to the generosity of our Members who participate in this worthwhile program, Barbara was able to get her air conditioner fixed.